April 20, 2022

Web Based Systems

Web Development class designed to teach an overview of software engineering methods and technologies for developing web-based software systems

April 23, 2022

Human Computer Interaction

Human Computer interaction class designed to teach the fundamental theory and practice of the design, implementation, and evaluation of human-computer interfaces. Topics include: principles of design; methods for evaluating interfaces with or without user involvement; techniques for prototyping and implementing graphical user interfaces. This course may not be repeated for credit.

April 22, 2022

Principles of Operating Systems

A princples of operating systems class designed to teach us the performance measurement; concurrent programs; the management of information, memory and processor resources.

December 21, 2021

Software Process and Project Management

Software and project management class teaching us the analysis of methods, tools, and techniques for software process improvement and software project management as an effort to achieve quality software products.

June 24, 2021

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Design and Algorithm Analysis class teaching us the techniques for the analysis of alogorthms, including counting, summation, reccurencec, and asymptotic relations; techniques for the design of efficient algorithms, including greedy methods, divide and conquer, and dynamic programming; examples of their application; an introduction to tractable and intractable problems.

April 25, 2021

Database Management Systems

DBMS class teaching us about Database design and API. Learned useful skills such as: Relational Algebra, Entity Relational Diagrams, SQL, PHP, XAMPP, ASP.NET, HTML5 and CSS. For more infomration on the course click on the course info tab.

April 25, 2021

Computer Networks

An introduction to computer networks class and taught us about the theory and programming aspects on TCP/UDP Sockets programming, Routing algorithms and HTTP operations and protocol. For more infomration on the course click on the course info tab.

April 25, 2021

Programming Paradigms

An introduction course learning about functional programming in languages such as: Haskell, and Prolog. For more infomration on the course click on the course info tab.

April 25, 2021

Intro to Sofware Engineering

Introductory class on key principles of software development. Learning key concepts such as: Agile Methadologies, Junit testing, Project Managemnt, Structural, Sequential and State Diagrams

June 18, 2020

Data Structures, Algorithms and Their Analysis

Fundamental Data Structure class and learned key skills such as: arrays, lists, stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, and graphs. Also including algorithms for searching and sorting and also introduction to the correctness and analysis of algorithms. For more infomration on the course click on the course info tab.

December 20, 2020

Theory of Computation

An introductory Computability class teaching us abstract models of sequential computation, including finite automata, regular expressions, context-free grammars, and Turing machines. Formal languages, including regular, context-free, and recursive languages, methods for classifying languages according to these types, and relationships among these classes. For more infomration on the course click on the course info tab.